North Shore assessment centre now full

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North Shore assessment centre now full

North Shore assessment centre now full

Even though there are no more appointments available for our pop up centre on Lonsdale, you can still join the BC Generations Project! Simply call us at 604-675-8221 and we’ll send you a participant package that you can complete at home and mail back to us. What could be easier?

2 thoughts on “North Shore assessment centre now full”

  1. I have signed up back in May of 2012 and the email said you will be mailing me an enrollment package in the next 4 weeks or so. Today is July 1 and still I haven’t seen the package. Can you please email me what to expect from this date forth?

    Anita Doo

    • Hi Anita,
      Your info was sent to our mailing house June 27th, so it should arrive next week. Our apologies for the delay. Let us know if you don’t receive it by the end of next week.
      Best regards,
      Eunice Rousseau

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