Participant Consent Form
It’s important that our participants understand how their personal information will be collected, used, disclosed and retained by the BC Generations Project. Participation is completely voluntary and consent can be withdrawn at any time by calling us at 1-877-675-8221 or emailing us at
Informed Consent
Original Consent Form
Read the BC Generations Project Participant Information and Consent Form for a complete and comprehensive description including security methods taken, your rights as a participant and how your samples and data will be stored and accessed.
Periodic Follow-Ups
By consenting, participants allow the Project to get in touch with them periodically to ask for updated information about their health and environment through questionnaires. These questionnaires will collect detailed information about areas of interests to researchers, including, diet, physical activity, and environmental exposures. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date.
Data Linkages
In addition to collecting information from our participants through questionnaires and biological samples, they also allow the Project to access past and future administrative data routinely collected for research and statistical purposes, not limited to: Ministry of Health, Vital Statistics, BC Cancer Registry, and Population Data BC. Examples of such information would include records to physician visits, hospital admissions, cancer diagnoses, and death. Through this process, this will allow researchers the ability to broaden their research questions.
Medical records held in doctors’ offices are not accessible to the BC Generations Project nor to Population Data BC.