Top 10 reasons for joining the BC Generations Project
10. We value your time and goodwill. It is charitable people like you who will make this study a success.
9. It is easy and convenient. Just answer some questions online. We’ll contact you at a later date to donate blood and urine. No appointment needed. No pressure.
8. Your blood and urine samples will be used in many research studies exploring the causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.
7. You will feel really good about yourself after.
6. This project is part of the largest study EVER to have been initiated in Canada. Alberta, Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada are all part of it too. Support BC by participating!
5. You are unique and important. Your life might help show the link between genetic & environmental factors and the development of diseases plaguing our generation.
4. You will play a part in helping prevent cancer and chronic disease in the future. Give some of your time today, save thousands of lives tomorrow.
3. You will be helping your own children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, great-great-great-grandchildren…You know what we mean. The BC Generations Project is a very valuable investment for the future.
2. Pay it forward. You won’t likely benefit from this project but thousands of others could. Who doesn’t want to be called a humanitarian?
1. It is the right thing to do!