Project Champion, Connie Davis: “Why I Participated in the BC Generations Project”

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Project Champion, Connie Davis: “Why I Participated in the BC Generations Project”

Project Champion, Connie Davis: “Why I Participated in the BC Generations Project”

We caught up with project participant, Connie Davis, about why she chose to participate in BC’s landmark cancer prevention study. Connie is a nurse practitioner in her 50s from Hope, B.C.  Here’s what she had to say:

Why did you participate in the BC Generations Project?
I participated in the BC Generations Project for several reasons. First off, I’m a nurse practitioner and it’s important to me to have good information to share with the patients I serve. The results of the BC Generations Project will provide valuable information for people to make decisions about their lifestyle.

Also, my mother is a cancer survivor, so I also felt I was doing my part to understand more about any hereditary links.  And I have to admit, I was curious about how healthy I was compared to my peers!

In the last few years, have you made any changes to your lifestyle in the interest of cancer prevention?
I have followed a healthy lifestyle for many years. I’m vegetarian, I keep my weight in control and I try to stay physically active.

Would you recommend participating in the BC Generations Project to others?
I’ve recommended participation in the BC Generations project to both my friends and family! A nurse colleague told me about it, and I’m glad she did.

What do you feel you got out of participating in the project?
I really enjoyed learning the results of my tests. It provided encouragement for me to keep up with what I am doing for my health and continue to work on my strength and fitness.

Do you have a story to tell? We’d love to feature you on our blog. Please leave a comment below and we’ll be in touch!

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