Our Prince George visit was a booming success!

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Our Prince George visit was a booming success!

Our Prince George visit was a booming success!

Participants Recruited Kelowna vs Prince George graph

Our Prince George numbers surpassed even the success of our January clinic in Kelowna, where we signed up a total of 967 participants!  One notable participant was the Mayor of Prince George, Dan Rogers.  A special thank you to the Prince George United Steelworkers and Solutions Staffing for generously providing the office space in their building, to the BC Cancer Foundation for their generous funding support, and to the wonderful local nurses who put in long hours and helped manage the centre.

Mayor Dan Rogers and Sylvie Perreault, BC Generations Project Nurse
It’s not too late to join the study and make an appointment – we are extending our stay by hosting two more days of clinic appointments in Prince George on Monday, July 18 and Monday, July 25.  If you can’t make it for an appointment on one of those last days, you can still participate by requesting a questionnaire be mailed out to you. Just give us a call at 1-877-675-8221 or click our link:  Join BC Generations Project.

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