Have you provided your sample yet?

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Have you provided your sample yet?

Have you provided your sample yet?

Now that the BC Generations Project has reached the end of its active recruitment phase, we’re turning our attention to sample collection.

About 13,000 study members are still on our list to provide a blood and urine sample. Beginning in April, these participants can expect to receive a lab requisition form from us by email or mail.

Members can visit any LifeLabs Patient Service Centre throughout British Columbia, either on a drop-in basis or by appointment. Lab locations and hours are provided on the requisition form. Please note our collection days: Monday – Wednesday at Vancouver Island locations and Monday – Thursday for all mainland locations.

To learn more about what happens to the blood samples we collect, watch our video “From Needle Poke to Freezer Farm”.

2 thoughts on “Have you provided your sample yet?”

  1. I registered and completed your questionnaire long ago but to this point, I have not had a request of blood and urine samples. I am currently away until March 5th so will not be able to supply such until my return.

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