35 is the new 40!

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35 is the new 40!

35 is the new 40!

BC Generations Project participants are getting younger, thanks to new eligibility criteria. Now, any British Columbian aged 35-69 can join the largest cancer prevention research project in BC history. Previously, the age range for recruitment to the Project was 40-69.

We’re hoping to encourage a new crop of adults to show their commitment to the health of future generations and help us reach our goal of 40,000 participants. Lowering the age range in BC also aligns our recruitment practices with other Canadian centres taking part in this massive national health project.

We need you and your friends! Please share this news within your circle of friends and family, and join us by visiting bcgen-2017-10.dev, emailing bcgenerationsproject@bccrc.ca,  or calling toll-free 1-877-675-8221.

4 thoughts on “35 is the new 40!”

  1. Why is the minimum age to join this research project set at 35? I am 31 years old and would very much like to be part of the research project helping to prevent cancer. I think the age should be lowered to 30 or even younger.


  2. I’m just wondering why the only thing mentioned regarding wood smoke is ‘cooking’ on a wood stove.
    Wood smoke is prevalent in most residential areas and I feel this should also be addressed as one cannot avoid the wood smoke even inside their homes when a neighbour is burning.

  3. If anyone cares about cancer they would support measures to eliminate the first known cause of cancer — urban smoke fron residential wood and fossilized wood (coal). This has been known for centuries as has never been in question as chimney sweeps developed lung and skin cancer. The British Cancer Society identified fireplace smoke as a causse of lung cancer before they realized that mild cigarette smoke could cause the same disease.

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