10,000th participant:”We need as many people as possible with different backgrounds and health issues to participate.”

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10,000th participant:”We need as many people as possible with different backgrounds and health issues to participate.”

10,000th participant:”We need as many people as possible with different backgrounds and health issues to participate.”

Last month, we signed up our 10,000th participant for the project!  We chatted with Paddi Solem, grandmother of seven children, to find out what drew her to sign up for the BC Generations Project.      

 Why did you participate in the BC Generations Project?

“Early detection makes a big difference”, and Paddi is hoping that researchers will discover some links that will assist with determining the causes of cancer and more information related to early detection.   There’s also a history of cancer in her family.

 In the last few years, have you made any changes to your lifestyle in the interest of cancer prevention?

When she was younger, Paddi used to “bake in the sun”.  Now, she’s aware to apply sunscreen when it’s sunny out, particularly before going on walks or bike rides.

Paddi also has more awareness of carcinogens in foods and is careful not to be around people when they are smoking, in order to avoid second-hand smoke.

 Would you recommend participation in the BC Generations Project to others?  If so, why?

“I would definitely recommend others sign up – and have asked my daughter to sign up”.  Paddi wants as many people as possible to join the study.  “For any research to be helpful, we need as many people as possible with different backgrounds and health issues to participate.”

 What do you feel you got out of participating in the project?

Paddi said the kinds of questions that are asked on the questionnaire made her think about the possible links between cancer and lifestyle and family history.

 What do you think about the BC Generations Project having recently reached a landmark of having signed up 10,000th participants?

“It’s absolutely fantastic that there have been so many responses to the study so far!”

Do you have a story to tell? We’d love to feature you on our blog. Please leave a comment below and we’ll be in touch!

To participate in the BC Generations Project, please sign up today.
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